Workshop: Building Intercultural Competence

Friday, January 20, 2023 – 9 am to 4 pm

Venue: Dalhousie Student Union Building, 2nd Fl., 6136 University Ave, Halifax

This workshop is presented in partnership with the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia. (ISANS).

Presented by: Colleen Belle, M.A., Coordinator, Welcoming Communities Program, ISANS.

As Nova Scotia becomes more culturally diverse, it is important to learn how to welcome, work with and serve immigrants so that we can build a better community together, create safer spaces, and provide more inclusive clinical/medical care. This full-day introductory workshop is designed with an immigrant lens, and will include concepts such as intersectionality, implicit bias, micro-aggressions, culture, cultural awareness, cultural humility, cultural sensitivity, and equity, diversity & inclusion (EDI).

It will be an interactive session, utilizing numerous modalities such as quizzes, videos, activities, small break-out sessions, and large group discussions. This will be an opportunity for you to:
• Increase your understanding of settlement and integration barriers
• Explore practical ways to welcome and support new immigrant clients and colleagues
• Develop intercultural skills for caring for and working with new immigrants

This workshop is open to Psychologists, Psychology students, as well as other health professionals with an interest in the topic.
The registration brochure is available for download here.

To reserve a space or for more information about please contact