2025 APNS Award Nominations

Do you know a psychologist who deserves to be nominated for our Awards? Please take a few minutes to consider who among your colleagues should receive this honour.

Award Nomination
To access the nomination form, please click on the award title. Deadline for Nominations is April 1, 2025.

Fellow of the Association
Each year, the APNS Executive may designate one member a “Fellow” of the Association, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Association.  The award has been given since the late 1970s and it is intended as a way of recognizing and saying thank you to someone who has been doing outstanding work for APNS.  

The Dr. Charles J.A. Hayes Lifetime Contribution Award
This award honours those who have spent a significant part of their professional lifetime supporting APNS, as well as the profession of psychology at the provincial, national and international level.

Excellence in Psychology Award
This award recognizes those mid-career psychologists who have demonstrated excellence in their professional activities or in their volunteer activities while acting as a psychologist.  The recipient will receive an award of $1,500. 

Outstanding Early Career Psychologist
This award recognizes the unique challenges of being an Early Career Psychologist in the first ten years of their career. The nominee must be an APNS member who has actively participated in APNS at the committee or Executive level, has used the services of APNS to advance their career in psychology. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Community Service Award – Psychologists
This award recognizes the contributions of psychologists who do outstanding volunteer service in the community beyond their role as a psychologist. It acknowledges and raises awareness of the important contributions that psychologists make to the greater community. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Community Service Award in Mental Health
This award recognizes the contributions of non-psychologists who have made valuable contributions to the community in a health and wellness setting or through other activities that touch and benefit the greater community by raising awareness or advocating for mental health issues. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Diversity in Psychology Bursary
This bursary assists graduate psychology students who identify as being from a diverse population and are in pursuit of post-secondary education in Psychology. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Gerald Gordon Memorial Prize: Undergrad
This award is given for outstanding undergraduate achievement in psychology in Nova Scotia. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Brian Dufton Memorial Prize: Graduate
This award is given for outstanding graduate achievement in psychology in Nova Scotia. The recipient will receive an award of $1,000. 

Outstanding APNS Student
This award recognizes the challenges of preparing for a career in psychology at the master’s or doctoral level. The recipient will receive an award of $500.