Previous Psychology Months


APNS has a new video to help the public understand some of the many things in which psychologists have expertise. it is also available on YouTube.
Please share.

This year we are bringing back Psychology “Jeopardy”, APNS members have a little fun with what they know best. Each week you answer questions under various psychology-related categories. Those who have the most correct answers each week, are eligible to win a gift card worth $100 from a local business.  

We will also be doing a social media campaign with regular posts throughout February. The focus will be helping the public understand the expertise of psychologists — what they do, and how it  differs from other mental health professions. This month we are looking at anxiety, one of the most common issues that Psychologists deal with, addressing the many ways it affects us. We will also add some posts from on self-care, as we did last year.

And don’t forget to follow us on social media. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Here are the links.


This year we are focusing on the Self-care of Psychologists. We are also planning some fund activities for our member psychologists, who can participate in psychology-inspired “Jeopardy”, and win prizes.

And don’t forget to follow us on social media. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook, “X”, Instagram and LinkedIn. Here are the links.

2021 & 2022

Like many things Psychology Month will be a little different this year.

Since the public libraries are not available for our regular presentations, we will be presenting selected webinars on the APNS website.

APNS will be kicking off a Public Awareness Campaign about Psychology and Psychologists. This is a social media-based initiative that will present facts and provide answers to some of the common questions we get about Psychology.

What can you do to help us celebrate Psychology Month?

1. Contact us If you want to present a webinar or have a presentation that you would like us to promote.

2. Watch the APNS website and read the group email notices with Psychology Month updates.

3. Follow us on social media. We encourage you to visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Here are the links.

4. We need you to help get the message out to the public, please share our messages.