Naomi S. Aquino

RPsych (Registered Psychologist)

  • Highest Academic Graduate Degree: MSc
  • Gender: Female
  • NSBEP Reg. # R0843

As a psychologist employed within community mental health for over 12 years, I have worked with a diverse range of client needs and concerns. At Riding Waves Psychological Services, my focus is working with children, adolescents and their families to identify and provide treatment for anxiety disorders and related conditions (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder etc.) For many children/youth and families, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their sense of safety and ability to reliably determine if one’s anxiety response is reasonable or a false alarm. For people with anxiety-related disorders, this heightened their already over-active threat detection system. The hope of Riding Waves Psychological Services is to support children/youth and families in being able to identify ‘false alarms’ and, in those situations, learn to ride the wave of emotions and physiological responses. I work primarily using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, though incorporate other modalities including Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I look forward to getting to know you and understanding how we can work together to face feared situations with bravery and confidence!

Practitioner Particulars

Private Practice

Riding Waves Psychological Services

15 Bissett Road
Cole Harbour NS 
View private practice location on Google Maps

Naomi S. Aquino’s Availability

Mondays, daytime hours.

Supplemental Notes

Will direct bill to these insurers - Blue Cross and Telus Health
