Mindful Self-Compassion –In-Person Short Course (6 Weeks)

Dartmouth Location: Mondays Beginning October 28, 6:00-7:30PM

Address your inner critic and begin to experience a kinder, more supportive relationship with yourself.

Facilitated by: Jacqueline Milner, Registered Psychologist/Certified Mindfulness Teacher.

This short course is an adaptation of the empirically supported 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion program designed to begin cultivating the skills of self-compassion for those who are time limited. Research shows that self-compassion significantly enhances emotional well-being, lessens anxiety and depression, boosts resilience and happiness, leads to more satisfying relationships and can even help maintain healthy lifestyles such as nutritious eating and exercise.

Course themes include:
• Practicing self-compassion / Self-compassion and mindfulness practices for daily life and moments of stress.
• Discovering your compassionate voice / Motivation with compassion
• Self-compassion and resilience / Working with difficult emotions
• Addressing burnout / A practice for compassion
• Living deeply / Journaling to reconnect with your values.

What to expect
In the MSC program, participants will meet as a group with a teacher(s) for 1.5 hours once a week for 6 weeks. Participants will learn and apply the three key components of self-compassion using meditation, short talks, experiential exercises, group discussion, and home practices. Participants will be provided materials (digital handouts and audio) to support what they are learning in the weekly sessions and for use during home practice.

MSC is primarily a compassion training program with mindfulness as the foundation of self-compassion. The intention of the MSC program is to provide a safe and supportive environment for exploring how we typically respond when difficult emotions arise and to provide tools for becoming warm and supportive companions to ourselves. Please keep in mind that although self-compassion can be very therapeutic, it is different from conventional group or individual therapy whereby the emphasis of the program is on utilizing resources of self-compassion and mindfulness through a process of self-discovery.

Is this program for me?
No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is necessary to attend MSC. This program is designed for anyone who is time-limited and wishes to integrate and cultivate greater self-compassion into their lives and/or work.
This short course is an adaptation of the empirically supported 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion program designed to begin cultivating the skills of self-compassion. Research shows that self-compassion significantly enhances emotional well-being, lessens anxiety and depression, boosts resilience and happiness, leads to more satisfying relationships and can even help maintain healthy lifestyles such as nutritious eating and exercise.

Fee: $375* (HST and materials included) Most private health insurance covers the cost of this program. Please contact your insurance provider to determine whether therapeutic group sessions (in-person or online) offered by a Registered Psychologist are covered.
To make our therapeutic groups more accessible to everyone, payment plans are available for those who require them.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE EVENTS or to REGISTER:  https://breathemindfulness.ca/events/

Should you have difficulty registering online, contact admin@breathemindfulness.com