Member Services

Case Consultation Support Network

APNS is committed to facilitating networking among psychologists. One way we are doing this is to initiate a Case Consultation Support Network. We have a group of psychologists who have agreed to be on our Roster. This service is now open to APNS members only.

How it works:

  • Any APNS member who wishes to consult with another psychologist on a case, can contact APNS and provide basic information on the case and what expertise they require for the consultation.
  • Those on the Roster who fit the parameters would receive an e‐mail from the APNS office with some basic information about the case.
  • If the psychologist is available to consult on this case, the APNS office would provide contact information so the two psychologists could connect.

If you are interested in joining this Roster to offer consultation to a psychologist please see the Case Consultation form.

If you are interested in finding a Case Consultant on our Roster please contact

Cultural Diversity Peer Support Network

APNS is developing a Network of psychologists who would be willing to serve as peer consultants to psychologists specifically on cultural diversity issues. This comes out of discussions from the Cultural Diversity Committee about the need to provide a forum for psychologists to be able to discuss diversity‐related issues that they encounter in their client work.

In addition, through this interaction, we hope more psychologists may become involved in promoting diversity in our discipline. The committee has adopted a broad definition for referring to cultural diversity:

The term “cultural diversity” is meant to include not only diverse ethnic groups but any group which would be considered a non‐majority, or an under‐represented “culture” within the field of psychology (e.g., LGBTQ, language, and rural populations, etc.).

If you are interested in sharing your expertise or experience with other psychologists please see the Cultural Diversity Peer Consultant Network Document or contact

Pro Bono Services

Ethical Consultation

This assists members in finding psychologists who wish to offer informal ethical consultation therapy or supervision; it is not intended to provide advice regarding ethical decision-making or advice on legal or disciplinary matters.

Peer Support Services

To provide a link with psychologists willing to offer confidential support to members who would like to talk with a colleague about a particular personal or professional situation. This is not meant to provide psychological counselling or intervention.

ALS Psychological Support Roster

Psychologists who are willing to provide pro bono services for those with ALS or family members who support ALS sufferers.

For more information about our member services please contact