Dr Yvette Scattolon

Dr Yvette Scattolon’s clinical background is within the areas of mental health and health psychology (managing acute / chronic health problems) with a special interest in eating disorders, anxiety, depression and women’s issues.

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Anita Scott

I work with adults and specialize in the treatment of trauma-based disorders, such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and dissociative disorders. My style of therapy is client-centred and collaborative. I work with people with a range of …

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Dr Belinda Seagram

Dr. Belinda Seagram is a registered clinical psychologist with a PhD from York University and over 31 years of combined experience in clinical practice, research, teaching and supervision.

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Carla Seymour

Carla is a Registered Psychologist. She received her Master of Science Degree (Clinical Psychology) from Acadia University in 1997. Carla has been working in private practice with individuals and couples since that time.

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Dr Simon B Sherry

Dr Simon B. Sherry is a tenured Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Dr Sherry is a specialist in assessing and treating depression, anxiety, perfectionism …

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Carlye Smith-Burke

Carlye specializes in comprehensive psychological assessments with children, adolescents, and young adults. She applies a collaborative approach to assessment to include clients, families, schools, and other professionals in the assessment process. …

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Leah Stall

Leah joins her clients in an exploration of their inner world to develop awareness of patterns, needs, and influences of past experiences on present concerns. She works collaboratively to assist clients in making meaningful change and strives to …

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Madeleine Stobbe

Madeleine Stobbe is a Registered Psychologist. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Psychology from Saint Mary’s University and a Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology from McGill University. She has worked in a variety …

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Elaine Stoffer

Dr Stoffer completed her Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of British Columbia and her PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of Calgary. She was a lecturer in the Psychology Department at St Francis Xavier University for …

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