Dr. Joanne Gusella has been practicing as a registered psychologist in Nova Scotia for over 36 years.
Specialized Area of Practice: Clinical
Psychologists specializing in this area of psychology practice. 115
Lesley Hartman
Since 1995, Lesley has worked with adults, adolescents and groups of diverse ages, cultural, and sexual identities. She has a Masters in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of Illinois and is a certified EMDR (Eye Movement …
Lisa Hayden
Dr Joanna Hessen-Kayfitz
Dr Joanna Hessen Kayfitz is a Registered Psychologist. She received her BA with honours in Psychology from the University of Manitoba (2006) and an MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Windsor in 2008 and 2013, respectively. Dr. …
Dr Heather Higgins
Please note that Dr. Higgins is now retired.
Dr Julia Holt
For more information on Dr Holt visit: Shubenacadie Psychology. Practice details are listed below.
Abigail Howard-Gosse
Abby is a Psychologist (Candidate Register) who completed her Master of Science in Clinical Psychology degree at Acadia University. She provides both psychotherapy and assessment services and has a broad background working with various mental …
Rebeka Howardson
Rebeka is a Clinical Psychologist (Candidate Register) with a Master of Science degree in Clinical Psychology from Acadia University. She is focused on supporting adult clients (19+) with difficulties related to depression, anxiety, loss, stress …
Meaghan Hymers
Meaghan is a Clinical Psychologist (Candidate Register) who is currently accepting new clients. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the University of Waterloo, where she studied both Psychology and Sexuality, Marriage and Family …
Dr Adam Kayfitz
Dr. Adam Kayfitz is a registered psychologist with the Nova Scotia Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology. He received a BA with honours (psychology) from Wilfred Laurier University (2004) and a MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the …
Dr Brad Kelln
Dr Brad Kelln is a clinical and forensic psychologist who has been licensed and working in Nova Scotia for more than 26 years. He takes a straightforward approach in dealing with all clients whether they are prospective patients, legal counsel …
Jeannette Kennedy
Jeannette is a graduate from Acadia University, specializing in clinical psychology, and has been in private practice since 2003. In addition to private practice, Jeannette has significant experience in the public sector with Correctional Services …